Comprehensive Dental Services

General, Cosmetic, and Restorative Care


Cleaning and Prevention


Tooth Whitening


Implant Dentistry

cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry

Your smile is the first thing people notice about you. A beautiful smile exudes confidence and happiness. Today’s advances in dental technology can help you to achieve that bright smile. Some of the services that Dr. Hekmatyar can provide for you are the following:

  • Repair chipped or worn teeth
  • Close gaps between teeth
  • Whiten discolored teeth with our home whitening system
  • Replace metal fillings with tooth-colored fillings
  • Veneers and bonding to enhance the look of your natural teeth
  •  Dr. Hekmatyar provides all types of restorations necessary to enhance your smile

Periodontal (Gum) Disease and Prevention

Periodontal Disease or Gum Disease is an infection of the gums caused by tarter caused by bacteria in the mouth. Untreated, it can lead to the loss of teeth and cause other  health concerns. Gum disease is a very common disease among adults and sometimes can also occur in adolescents. Professional dental cleaning may be used in the treatment of gum disease. It is extremely important to have regular screenings by a dentist or hygienist to prevent gum disease from forming. 


Dentures and Partial Dentures

Dentures and Partial Dentures are custom made removable appliances that replace missing teeth. Cosmetic dentures and partial dentures can improve your appearance with a natural looking smile. Dr. Hekmatyar takes extra steps to ensure a comfortable fitting, functional complete or partial denture that allows you to chew and speak comfortably. If you are unhappy with your current dentures or are in need of dentures for the first time, contact Dr. Hekmatyar’s office for a free consultation.

We also offer same-day denture reline and repairs.

root canal

Root Canal Therapy

A badly infected tooth or a tooth with significant decay can sometimes be salvaged through a procedure called root canal therapy or endodontics. Root canal treatment consists of the removal of infected or irritated nerve tissue in the root of the tooth and then filling the space. A root canal relieves pain and prepares the tooth for the final restoration for natural tooth function.


Bite Guard

Bruxism is a very common condition, characterized by grinding of teeth or clenching of the jaw. It may cause fractures, wear, loose teeth, and possibly headaches. A properly made Bite guard protects teeth and helps to relax the facial muscles. Ask our office for a free consultation for the different types of mouth guards.

crowns and bridges

Crowns and Bridges

A crown is a covering of a tooth that has been damaged, has large restorations, or has a root canal. Crowns cover the entire surface of the tooth, protecting and strengthening the natural tooth.  A bridge is used to fill in a gap from a missing tooth by using the adjacent teeth. Crowns and bridges are made of gold and porcelain or the newer ceramic crowns. A crown will protect a tooth for many years.

Implant Restorations

With today’s advanced technology in dentistry, an implant is an excellent option for replacing a missing tooth without affecting the adjacent tooth. Dental implants not only enhance the appearance of a person’s overall smile but also improve speech and chewing ability. Contact Dr. Hekmatyar’s office today for a free consultation to see if you may be a candidate for dental implant restorations.

Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening is a simple and affordable way to dramatically improve the quality of your smile and provide you with a more youthful look. Brighter, whiter teeth can be achieved quickly and easily in the comfort of your home. Contact our office to learn more about our whitening specials.



 Dr. Hekmatyar offers prompt emergency treatment for pain relief. When a tooth is unable to be restored, Dr. Hekmatyar performs extractions, most same day. In the instance of a more complex case, a patient may be referred to an oral surgeon.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

We offer nitrous oxide sedation ‘Laughing Gas’ per request to help relax patients during treatment.

Call: (859) 581-7678

40 North Grand Ave, Suite 202
Fort Thomas, KY 41075

Our Hours

Monday:               8:00AM-4:00PM
Tuesday:               8:00AM-6:00PM
Wednesday:          8:00AM-4:00PM
Thursday:             8:00AM-5:00PM
Friday:                   Closed
Saturday:              Closed
Sunday:                 Closed

As of August 1, 2023 there will be 4% convenience fee using credit card charges.
To avoid this fee you may pay by cash or check.


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